French crepes are thin and delicate pancakes and can be filled with anything you like – nutella, jam, cream, sugar, fruit … … [read more]

A table !!!
French crepes are thin and delicate pancakes and can be filled with anything you like – nutella, jam, cream, sugar, fruit … … [read more]
Flaugnarde or flognarde is a baked French dessert with fruit and a thick flan-like batter hailing from the Limousin and Auvergne region in France. It is similar to a clafoutis, which is made with black cherries whereas a flaugnarde is made with apples, peaches, pears, plums, prunes etc. It can be served either warm or cold.
Riz au lait is a well loved dessert here in France – so popular you can buy it in ready made yoghurt sized cartons in different flavours – vanilla or rhum and raisin for example. My youngest loves this and it’s so easy to make it has become a staple in our household. Its a perfect dessert or after school snack!
This is another traditional french cake that is very popular at goûter time and is a real favourite with french kids.
I was trying to think of a suitable name in english for this dish but couldn’t so I just stuck to the french one. Endives are mostly called chicory in english but are also called endives too. A gratin means when a dish is topped with a golden crust, often using cheese or breadcrumbs by baking or cooking in the oven with an overhead grill.