Financiers are a french pâtisserie made with ground almonds. In 1890 the pâtissier Lasne re-visited an old recipe from the 17th century for a small oval cake called visitandines (called after the religious order of sisters who created the cake), using the same ingredients but changing the shape. As his shop was situated in the financial district in Paris and almost all his clients worked there, he called his cake a “financier” and gave it the shape of a gold bar.
Financiers are light and spongey and are a perfect accompaniment for afternoon tea. I have added raspberries to the recipe but you can make them without or juggle around with other flavours!
They are traditionally rectangular shape but if you don’t have this type of tin you can use a mini-muffin tin or a small bun tin instead.
Ingredients :
- 140g icing sugar
- 125g ground almonds
- 50g flour
- 150g butter (beurre noisette)
- 3 egg whites
- Raspberries
- Salt
Method :
- Pre-heat oven to 180°C
- Make a “beurre noisette” by melting the butter over a low heat until it turns golden brown (and gives off a nutty aroma hence the name) and leave to cool
- In a bowl mix the sugar, flour, ground almonds and a pinch of salt
- Add a pinch of salt to the egg whites and beat to a soft peak
- Fold the egg whites into the dry ingredients
- Mix in the cooled, melted butter
- Spoon the mixture into the financier tin and place 2 or 3 raspberries on top, pressing down slightly
- Bake in oven for 15 minutes

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