Ham, Cheddar and Mustard Loaf


This is another savoury loaf (or cake as they say in french!) which is perfect as an aperitif or finger food for a buffet. Personally I prefer the ham and olive loaf, the recipe for which you can find here, but this is a good alternative if you are cooking for someone who doesn’t like olives 😉

Ingredients :

  • 150g flour
  • Even teaspoon of baking powder
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon of wholegrain mustard
  • 100ml milk
  • 125ml sunflower
  • 150g ham
  • 75g cheddar
  • 75g grated gruyere (or other hard cheese)
  • 5cl beer (blonde or pale – not sure what the correct term is in english!)
  • Salt and Pepper

Method :

  1. Pre-heat oven t 180°C
  2. Chop the cheddar and the ham in small cubes
  3. Place in a bowl and mix in the wholegrain mustard and the beer, mix well and leave to marinate for at least 30 minutes
  4. In a large bowl beat the eggs with the flour and baking powder
  5. Slowly pour in the warm milk and oil mixing all the time
  6. Add the grated cheese
  7. Add the ham and cheese mixture and mix well
  8. Season with salt and pepper
  9. Pour into a non-greased loaf tin and bake for 45 minutes at 180°C